How It works

To Get Your Crowdfunding Platform is $15 Per-Year.
You keep 100% of the money you raise. Once you signup for free, you can login to your back office to upgrade to the Platform.

Once completed, you have access to your crowdfunding page where you can choose an already existing project (cost: $5) or, create your own project. You have complete control of the crowdfunding webpage so you can get with your "web guy" to create the look and feel you want for your project. On your webpage, you can choose any method of payment for dontations and contributions.

There is three ways to fund your project. 1). Drive traffic to your affiliate website where they can see your project from there and donate. 2). Basically the same. Drive traffic to your affiliate website where they can see information (as well as your project), about how they can have their own Crowdfunding Platform. Once they purchase their own Platform, this places people in your Crowdfunding organization and as they upgrade to other packages, you make money which can be used for your project or personal use.

In other words You help fund your project by helping others fund theirs through the invitation process.